Ambato Orphanage #1
Our local ambassadors delivered gifts containing pajamas and sandals to children from two months to 13 years old, along with food and other necessities to the orphanage.
Ambato Orphanage #2
Delivered hampers with girls and boys underwear, pyjamas, shampoo, body cream and other necessities to the children.
Hampers and coats to villagers
Our local ambassador Ms Chi Lan Tran delivered hampers and coats to the villagers in Nghe An province before Tet, the lunar new year.
Hampers and coats to villagers
In Keng Ðu, we distributed 696 food hampers to underprivileged families, and provided 313 GGB coats to school children.
In Bác Lý, we distributed 250 food hampers to underprivileged families.
Navotas City Outreach Program
260 hampers containing rice, instant noodles. cans of sardines, and luncheon meat were given to families of Barangay Sipac Almacen, prioritizing senior citizens, people with disability and riverbank settlers.
Pedernales families
We travelled over 5.5 hours from Quito to Perdernales, Ecuador to deliver hampers containing basic grocery items to 20 underprivileged families.
Quito children of low income families
Delivered treats and toys to the children of of low income families in Quito.
Quito families
Our Goodwill Ambassadors purchased basic non-perishable food items and distributed them to low income families.
Quito families
Our Goodwill Ambassador and volunteers purchased ingredients for a lunch for 27 families, and cooked it. We also purchased drinks, napkins and cutlery and cakes as a treat.
Quito family
We purchased basic food items, clothing and toys for a single mom with four children.
Quito family
We purchased basic food items and necessities for a family who the main breadwinner was recently laid off work.